July 2, 2010

Happy One Month Anniversary!

Happy One Month Anniversary to me!

Yes, it's been a month since I started my journey on the Dr. B diet. Some days it feels like I've been on the diet forever, but other days, not so much.

I've lost a total of 18 lbs., but I was really hoping for 20. As one of my friends pointed out, "Hey, that's as much as a whole turkey!" Don't ask me why they used that analogy... but heck, the amount of weight lost is much easier to understand that way.

I'm now on to month two. I hope to lose a further 15-20 lbs.

Also, I've finally received a copy of Dr. B's Simply Sensational Diet Recipes book.

It has taken exactly a month to get my book. A bit annoying, but I'm glad that I can now peruse through it to see if I can find anything interesting to make. I have to be honest... I've been eating pretty much the same stuff for the past month - it was staring to get very tiresome.

Tonight I might try the "Cheese Cake with Fruit Topping"... mmm... yup, straight to the dessert section of the book :P


July 2, 2010

Weight 153.0 lbs - down 1.0 (since Wednesday) ↓

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